A wild, insightful and hilarious “play within a play” from award winning playwright Iris Bahr (DAI, Curb Your Enthusiasm)
It’s Noises Off meets Fauda, with a touch of Oslo for good measure. A devoted Palestinian-Israeli couple, Fuda and Shomron, head to the National Theatre in London, to mount their groundbreaking production of a play called THE OLIVE TREE, casting "real live West Bank settlers and actual Palestinians" to play their corresponding roles in the piece. They also hire a diplomatic Danish Director, Ivo Mikkelsen, to direct and “keep the peace”. Needless to say, everything goes horribly and hilariously awry.
The Olive Tree is a wild ride that brings wit and insight to a most complex and unfortunate situation that will make anyone, regardless of background or political leanings, share a night of laughter together.
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